

  • Rubik's Cube

  • Sudoku

  • Word search

  • Crossword

  • Jigsaw Puzzle

Powered by

A unique championship for all "PUZZLE LOVERS"


  • The Battle of Puzzles 5 is a unique competition which comprises of five different battles.

  • The five battles are Rubik's Cube, Sudoku, Wordsearch, Crossword and Jigsaw Puzzle.

  • The contestants will be categorized age wise.

  • The competition is "ONLINE" on Zoom app.

  • 100+ Trophies & Medals to be given.

  • Participation certificate to all contestants.

  • Special mentions, Lucky draws, Gift vouchers and much more....

Organised by:


  • Rubiks’s Cube Battle: Top 3 Podium Winners will get Trophy in all Cube Categories and Age categories.

  • 4-5th Position in 2x2x2, 3x3x3 and Pyraminx will get Merit Medals and Certificates.

  • Best of 3 Attempts in 2x2x2, 3x3x3 and Pyraminx.

  • Sudoku/ Word Search/ Crossword/ Jigsaw Puzzle Battle: Top 3 Podium Winners will get Trophy in all age categories.

  • 4-5th Position will get Merit Medals and Certificates.

  • Special Mentions

  • Lucky Draws

  • Participation certificate to all contestants

  • Surprise goodies from “CUBELELO


Participant will have to sit with solved cubes. Arbitor will share a scramble on screen and they have to scramble accordingly. Inspection time of 15 seconds will be given. Participant will have to sit with their own timer. Any timer (Phone timer, stack timer, stopwatch) is allowed.

Once inspection is done, participant can start solving and can stop the timer once the solve is finish. The Arbitor will note the timings. All cube categories will be done in the same slot. For 2x2x2, 3x3x3 and Pyraminx , 3 attempts will be taken and for 4x4x4, 5x5x5, Skewb and Mirror only 1 attempt will be taken.



Participant will be given a seperate slot for each Battle. Once the participant enters the meet, they will share screen and be on unmute for the full meet. Arbitor will share a link of puzzles in the chatbox. Once the link is clicked, timer will start automatically and they will start solving the puzzle. Once the puzzle is complete, the timer will stop and will be noted by the Arbitor.



Rubik's Cube Battle: 12-13th April, 2025

Other Battles: 5-6th April, 2025


9 am Onwards

(A 30 minute slot will be given to each participant randomly any one day.)

Please note: Slot once assigned will not be changed.


Zoom app

The competition is completely online at the comfort of your home.


Rubik's Cube Battle: 8th April, 2025

Other Battles: 1st April, 2025


Results will be declared on our website on 20th April, 2025

Link of the same will be shared via whatsapp to all the participants


Certificates of participants and winners will be Emailed after the results.

Trophies and medals will be dispatched after the results at the address in India







4-6 Years

6-8 Years

8-10 Years

10-14 Years

14+( Open) Years

Parent (3x3x3)

4-6 Years

6-8 Years

8-10 Years

10-14 Years

4-6 Years

6-8 Years

8-10 Years

10-14 Years

4-6 Years

6-8 Years

8-10 Years

10-14 Years

4-6 Years

6-8 Years

8-10 Years

10-14 Years



“THREE” attempts for 2x2x2, 3x3x3 and Pyraminx

“ONE” attempt for 4X4X4, 5X5X5, Skewb, Mirror and Relay


4-6 Years

4X4 grid - 4 Puzzles

6-8 Years

4X4 grid - 4 Puzzles

6x6 grid - 4 Puzzles

8-10 Years

6x6 grid - 4 Puzzles

9x9 grid - 1 puzzle

10-14 Years

9x9 grid - 2 puzzles


“ONE” puzzle for each age category

Theme of Crossword for each age category will be announced on 2nd April, 2025


4-6 Years

10-15 Words Grid

6-8 Years

20-25 Words Grid

8-10 Years

30-35 Words Grid

10-14 years

40-50 Words Grid


4-6 Years

9-12 Pieces

6-8 Years

20-25 Pieces

8-10 Years

30-35 Pieces

10-14 years

40-45 Pieces

Check the link for example puzzles.

Check the link for example puzzles.


First Time Participants Registration Fee - ₹300

2x2x2 - ₹300

3x3x3 - ₹300

4x4x4 - ₹300

5x5x5 - ₹300

Pyraminx - ₹300

Skewb - ₹300

Mirror - ₹300

3 Cube Relay - ₹500

Sudoku - ₹500

Wordsearch - ₹500

Jigsaw Puzzle - ₹500

Per Event Fee:


1. Participation Certificates to all.

2. Top 3 Winners in all Cube categories and Age categories will recieve certificate and trophy.

3. 4th & 5th Position in 2x2x2, 3x3x3 and Pyraminx Cube Categories in all age categories will receive merit medal and certificate.

4. Surprise goodies from "CUBELELO" to podium winners in Rubik’s Cube Battle.

5. Top 3 Winners in Sudoku, Word Search, Jigsaw and Crossword Battle in all Age categories will receive certificate and trophy.

6. 4th & 5th Position in Sudoku, Word Search, Jigsaw and Crossword Battle in all age categories will receive merit medal and certificate.

7. Contestants participating in 3 Cube Relay will be awarded medal and certificate according to the time slab.

8. Many special mentions like “Youngest Cuber, Youngest Puzzler, Puzzle Prodigy Award etc.

9. 5 Lucky Draw winners will receive “Amazon” Gift Card worth ₹500.


1.All participants have to use their own set of cubes.

2. Its compulsory to fill all the details in the form with utmost care. No changes will be entertained post registration.

3.There will be Top 3 Podium Winners for all Battles in each age category based on timings.

4.There will be Merit winners for 4th and 5th position in 2x2x2, 3x3x3 and Pyraminx, in each age category.

There will be Merit winners for 4th and 5th position in Sudoku, Word Search, Jigsaw and Crossword, in each age category.

5. Inspection time of 15 seconds will be given before solving in Rubik's Cube Battle.

6. The fee once paid is not refundable under any circumstances.

7. Time limit for 2x2x2, 3x3x3, Pyraminx, Skewb and Mirror is 3 minutes per cube and 4x4x4, 5x5x5 is 6 minutes per cube.

Time Limit for Sudoku, Word Search and Crossword is 30 minutes each.

8. Best of “Three” attempt for 2x2x2, 3x3x3 and Pyraminx will be considered and only “ONE” attempt for 4x4x4, 5x5x5, Mirror and Skewb will be given.

9. Time Slab for 3 Cube Relay is as follows:

Participant has to solve 2x2x2, 3x3x3 and Pyraminx together

If they finish all 3 cubes

  • Under 1 minute - Gold Medal

  • Under 2 min 30 secs - Silver Medal

  • Under 3 min 30 secs - Bronze Medal

10. The timer in Rubik’s Cube battle has to be operated strictly by contestant and if any parent is helping, will be disqualified with immediate effect.

11. Any inappropriate behavior from a participant or anyone related will lead to disqualification and fee will not be refunded.

12. Organiser’s decision will be considered final under any conflict.

13. Contestants who participate in more than 3 events are eligible for Lucky Draw.

14. Participant has to sit in a well lit room and only he/she should be visible in front of the screen. Parents and other members kindly avoid coming in front of the screen.

15. No phone calls or messages will be entertained on the day of event. All queries will be solved before the event

16. Age category will be calculated as on 1st April,2025

17. Last day to register for Wordsearch/ Crossword/ Sudoku/Jigsaw is 1st April,2025 and Rubik’s Cube is 8th April,2025

18. Time slots for online attempt will be given randomly and no requests for change will be entertained. If the participant is not available at the given time slot, he/she will be marked absent.

19. Time slots will be between 9am to 9pm , randomly given to all participants 2 days before the competition.

20. All Cubes Events will be performed in the same time slot.

21. Separate time slots will be provided for Sudoku, Word Search, Jigsaw and Crossword.

22. Organizers are not responsible for network issues during the event.

23. The organizers reserve the right to alter/vary/change/amend any/all rules and regulations at any given point.

Participants have to be well versed with solving the puzzle online on the laptop. To practice the keys and get comfortable solving online on laptop, they can use these example puzzles.

Please note: These puzzles are only a sample, final day puzzle will be according to the age category, details of which you can check on puzzle details page.